The Vodacom Corporate Triathlon Challenge 2013

The Vodacom Corporate Triathlon Challenge has become an anticipated event on the department’s calendar. These days we don’t ask each other whether or not we will enter in the challenge but rather how many teams will be entering.

This year we only entered two teams. One team was an Industrial team, which was made up out of Andrew Murray (lecturer; left; cyclist), Ryno Els (student; middle; swimmer) and Malwanda Gwabeni (student, right, runner). The team completed the challenge in 01:09:13.




The other team was the Women in Engineering Leadership Association (wela) team. The team consisted originally out of Tiyani Ndlovu (student; left; runner), Corlia Rens (student, second from left side; cyclist) and Nadia van Schalkwyk (student, third from left side; swimmer). But unfortunately Nadia caught the flu and was advised by her doctor to not take part in the race as it would be bad for her health. Luckily Claudia Powell (students/NMMU employees; swimmer) was able to stand in for Nadia. The team completed the challenge in 01:38:40.




We use this opportunity as a sort of team building experience with our students. We also include those students that don’t want to take part in the challenge, but would like to be a part of the vibe. We encourage all the students to show up on the day to support those who are brave enough to take part in the race.


We would just like to congratulate those that took part in the race yet again. We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work.

Posted on 17 April 2013 15:16:46

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