Accessibility for all – portable study table

As human beings we sometimes take for granted the things we can do that come so naturally to us. Recently the department has became aware of the fact that certain task  might not be as easy for disabled students as it would be for able bodied student.


Not all wheelchairs are the same. Different people have different needs. Some students might have a small wheelchair which would make it easier for them to get around, but the tables in the lecture venues might not be at the right level for them to use it comfortably. The same theory applies for a student with a bigger wheelchair - the tables might be too low for them to actually use it comfortably.


Claudia Powell along with the wela ladies took note of this and came up with a solution. With the wela group consisting out of all of the engineering disciplines (Industrial, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and Mechatronics), they have the knowledge and capability to do so (WELATECHNICALPROJECT2013-1).


They decided that they would make it their aim to make the live of our disable students on campus easier and are in the process of meeting with each other to bounce around ideas and strategies. Some of the key phases of the project that have been identified thus far are the project scope, design, procurement and manufacture, assembly, testing and handover.


The team is extremely excited about the project and the potential that it holds.

Posted on 23 April 2013 12:42:10

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