Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday; celebrated by the whole community - 18th of July 2013.

The main objective of Mandela Day is to inspire individuals to take action to help change the world for the better, and in doing so build a global movement for good. Ultimately it seeks to empower communities everywhere. “Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day.”


The Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology decided to reach out to the EP Children's Centre in support of Mandela day. Some of the Faculty staff member went to the Centre with balloons, cake, blankets and drawings. Travis Marshall welcomed the Faculty and the Director of the School of Engineering, while Prof Pat McGrath gave a short speech. Everyone took part in 67 seconds of silence before the blankets were handed out and fun and games took place.!/media/set/?set=a.10152199514570715.1073741826.370043770714&type=1



The Eastern Province Child and Youth Care Centre was founded in 1889 and is the oldest centre of its kind in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. Their mission is to develop youth into well-adjusted productive citizens.


Children are placed in the Centre as a last resort if they are found to be in need of care by the Children’s Court. This is often because they have been exposed to violence and abuse or have been neglected by their caregivers. As a result the children have often suffered a great deal of trauma and neglect – and sometimes abandonment - and need intensive support to help reach their developmental goals.


In total, the centre accommodates 101 children of all races between the ages of 4 and 18 years of age. The children speak Afrikaans, English and Xhosa. The demographics split are 75% Black/Coloured and 25% White.


In addition to offering residential care, the children attend 20 different schools in Port Elizabeth. The children’s mornings are spent at school or pre-schools. After lunch their afternoons allow for some free play. There is a two hour structured study sessions per day.


Two social workers work towards the goal of allowing the children to attend a holiday with family or friends once a term. This is done with the aim of reuniting the child with the community. Regrettably about 30 – 40% of the children do not have this privilege.


The centre has four main objectives that encompass a child’s total development:

  • To provide a caring and safe environment, that minimizes trauma and maximizes developmental opportunities and promotes wellness for 101 children in need.
  • To make all attempts to transfer the children placed at the EP Child & Youth Care Centre into a less restrictive environment on the continuum of care as required by the policies and stipulations in the Children’s Act (Act 38 of 2005)
  • To capacitate and support children and their families to develop to their maximum potential through therapeutic interventions and skills training
  • To ensure that the best interests of the children in the care of the EP Child & Youth Care Centre at all times maintained through the effective and sustainable management of programmes as well as through on-going monitoring and evaluation systems
Posted on 02 August 2013 10:10:18

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